small yusuf toy car ....!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

No fixed welfare Teachers (Non-PNS)

"Teacher as a hero without decoration" is just a predicate sweet but not heard in accordance with the welfare received by teachers wiyata Bhakti or teacher does not remain. While the government is not in the maximum attention to the fate of teachers are not fixed, unlike the fate of teacher civil servants (PNS) which has a standard salary is more than enough especially for those who already have a professional certificate. The government should immediately consider the fate of non-permanent teachers, welfare and good dri desire to become civil servants.
Low received honorariums for teachers, especially teachers in the private sector hinterland indeed get to be the government's attention, both teachers who are on the patronage of the education office (disdik) and Ministry of Religious Affairs (of the Ministry).
Conditions that are very difficult and seems to have motivated them to become teachers civil servants (PNS). Their desire is indeed well-founded especially not a few of them serve sudh to tens of years. However, in terms of their age is beyond the limit to become a civil servant.
While for the test CPNS held each year the government can not have him anymore because he has more than 35 years.
What action the government is faced with the problem of education in Indonesia? Of the many teachers who have in more than 70% of teachers are not fixed (GTT) or non-civil servant teachers. This makes the government take a policy specific to rekrutment labor educators, but what with it we can atasi? It is very unlikely the problem is not the welfare of teachers can still overcame, at least, the government must increase the functional benefits of teachers, especially teachers do not stay. By increasing the subsidy does not remain a teacher will help the welfare of teachers who do not keep up at this time has not been picked up, the size of the subsidy should be based on the domicile of teachers are at least living up to the minimal needs of teachers in each region if the region has set a standard of living at least Rp. 500,000.00 then the government should provide subsidy of Rp teachers. 500,000.00. Hopefully fate does not remain a teacher would be better with government policy.

Why Indonesia has a large debt?

Indonesia is a great country, has a very wide area spread from Sabang to Merauke. Have a huge population of 200 million people with more dominance residence on the islands such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Bali Sulawesi and Papua. Many Indonesians who work as farmers so that Indonesia is known as the State agricultural. Once the fertile land of Indonesia, even during the years of farming in Indonesia may be in accordance with the planting season that is. Before Indonesian independence, the earth's population will be taken by the colonial government or the colonists. Indonesia had several times in jajah by State - European countries including Portugal, Netherlands and Japan. So when the Indonesian people suffered under the authority of another country. Indonesia now has 64 years of independence but the independence that is only felt by the group in a specific population /. Perhaps the general has independent status in both de facto and de yure but in reality all that has not been able to touch people in a holistic way. Independence is as if in kuasai by certain people who may be able to achieve with the current capital strength for those who do not have any capital will be the people who have weak or labor. So where location independence is there a purpose to improve the welfare for all people of Indonesia? if only the welfare of a particular community? It is the obligation of the government to arrange more conditions we state that it is impartial and not berkeadilan democracy. Many Indonesian people are not yet know how the system run by the Indonesian government in the field of good political, economic and financial state. Throughout the Indonesian independence, the people of middle shore down into this economic state. They were the top people, from entrepreneurs (conglomerates), bureaucrats and politicians can only act as a eksploitir advantage of the wealth and natural resources. Community down the middle especially the oppressed (the poor) is very little benefit that, even participated in a lot of poor people bear the burden on the authority of the profits. How much debt at this time to indonesia? If poor people in Indonesia know about them very angry. Debt is so large to reach 500 trillion should be more responsibility on the people of Indonesia, which they do not feel. How bureaucratic attitude that has made India as the country in debt?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Education Free (Maybe Not)

Budget School Operational Assistance (BOS) has been raised. In addition to the exemption of education (SPP), the school also may not collect the operational cost and investment that is often referred to money or money of the building, he said the Government obligations. For schools that are still allowed to be given sanctions according to Law Officer from reprimand to dismissal (Tempointeraktif.Com).
The BOS per student this year for primary schools in the District before the ride is Rp. 254,000.00 now. Rp. 397,000.00, the city of Rp. 400,000.00 or approximately Rp. 33,000.00 / student / month, plus more with the help of education (CPP) IDR. 13,000.00 / student / month, so total is Rp. 46,000.00 / student / month. Junior high schools in the district seleum ride is Rp. Rp 354,000.00 now. Rp. 570,000.00, the city of Rp. 575,000.00 or Rp. 80,900.00 / student / month from a combination of the BOS and the CPP.
Once calculated by the school principal what the cost should be financed and some factor, the primary operational unit cost only Rp. 36,000.00 / student / junior high school days while Rp. 70,000.00 / student / month. So there is still remaining Rp. 10,000.00 / student / month for SD Rp. 10,800.00 / student / month. For junior high school.
But the question why many areas that have not yet even ready to ask for the grace period is also later in 2010 or 2011? With various reasons ranging from the number of students can not afford, the cost ideks students, the school survey, rich and poor and the classical problem, the problem of funding, because the budget has not been sufficient. The reason for that is because there is a fund BOS and CPP is able to cover only the cost of the two earlier even more. Hence there is no more reason for schools not able to hold free school, it is expected an active role in public education.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Story of Rama and Shinta love is a love story as pure greatness and eternal love. In the current very difficult to find our love story as a story of love and shinta rama. Where love is not only based on sex, there are many basic love can happen between the pair to . In fact napsu and fun world of love relationships is the foundation of young people (girls). While not known in the Islamic court term, in which love is based on love for God (Allah ridlo)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Increasing The Welfare of Teachers

Teacher is a profession that may be less in the new order-time, and in the new period after the period ORBA President Abdurrahman Wahid and President Megawati began teaching profession to be a bit more. At the very government that it is picked up the teaching profession is the welfare of President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono set in namely the increase in welfare benefits through the teachers' professional certification of teachers who realized in the most allowances 1 times base salary. "The government is very serious to improve the welfare of teachers and" the President said at an event, in December 2008.
Government's seriousness, the more the president, realized with the teacher as a Determination profession on 2 December 2004 forwarded to the Law on Teachers and Lecturers in the year 2005, PP 47 / 2008 on Education Funding and regulation 48 of the year 2008 Compulsory Education in the year 2008.
President Susilo BY commitment that will improve teachers' welfare, and have been followed up by related institutions. In some instances, the Minister of National Education (Education) Prof.Dr.H. Bambang Sudibyo says the government will try as closely as possible to the policy that teachers' salaries at least Rp. 2 .000.000,00 start of 2009.
Policy is a part on the realization of the government's commitment to improve the welfare of teachers in accordance with Indonesian law amanah number 14 in 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. Teachers according to the Education Welfare is a government priority in the allocation of increased financial budget, total education budget of Rp. 224.4 trillion, as much as 134.8 trillion of which is allocated for education beyond the salary of educators and education service.
The increase in welfare will be equivalent to the promised land other teachers
Hopefully with the increase in the welfare of teachers will also improve the quality of teachers and ultimately the quality of education and the output of our education system will increase. With high quality education that will improve the system of government participated in a smart, high technology, clean and authoritative.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Education is one of the capital base that is absolutely owned by a leadership in the conduct of government. Level of education sufficient for a government will be the size of stability and prosperity of society.
How the government created a situation conducive to the education in the country, a major responsibility of government must be ascertained.
Political Education
Once the importance of education for the holders of power, the image of the ruler to create awareness in the education ranah always built. Later it began to make the image appear with the award as the increase of welfare of teachers. In the current era of government, the government pencitraan of education can be seen from several strategic policy. Policy for the issuance of law teachers and lecturers, the education budget 20%, digulirkannya Board of Legal Education and the policy of national exams.
Laws that emphasize the professionalism of educators to give this wind a paradise for the professional education of primary teachers and lecturers. The government will provide a one-time payments of base salary for teachers who have passed the certification. Policy of a budget of 20% is a must because the pressure comes from outside the constitutional court. In this position the government should try mencitrakan themselves to obey the decision, and determine the policies that are targeted. While the policy of the Board of Legal Education may not be as much disagreement. One side of the world of education have any legality feel the other side of law but can cause tolerance commercialization of education. This is very harmful for certain people who may not have been able to feel the cool air to the education level of secondary education especially higher education.
While the policy for the National Examination still well established, each year there are certain changes in the Standard Operational Procedure (POS), from the determination of the number of limit values, type of subjects as well as independent teams.
Education Politics
Political education as an effort to create the image of self-government in education ranah indeed is a political education for the stakeholders of education. Whatever be the government policy in education is a political learning. Elements of education into constituents, a strategic asset for the government and political parties in power. Not a political voice is not possible from a number of teachers and lecturers as teachers and educators kependidikan akan terangkut seizing leadership of the government in the future. Therefore for our politicians and the government in power will give a positive impression and the value of teachers and lecturers to take heart, motivate the spirit, and fulfill the promise to promote education to be effective instruments of education is also political yag sharpshooter.